The text below is forwarded from Vic Bridger.

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August 21, 2003


Re the attachment of the article by Keith Wilde could 
you just post my response as follows>

Dear Keith,

In reply to your posting which contained the summary, 
"If I have drawn the appropriate message from your 
essay, a more conventional way of talking about 
Douglas' political philosophy, in word usage familiar 
to me, would be to say that he opposed the ability of 
one "special interest group" to exert power over all 
other groups and individuals in society at large. Am 
I getting it yet?", my response is yes, you are 
getting it.

Douglas mistakenly believed that all he had to do was 
draw attention to the flaw in the financial 
accounting system and that having done so it could be 
remedied. The attacks on him and his ideas finally 
forced him to realise that it was not so much a 
resistance to his ideas, although there were 
countless books articles and debates on his A+B 
Theorem, but a resistance to the underlying 
philosophy which opposed the ability of a group, any 
group, to make the individual subservient to that 
group. The means by which a "special interest group", 
as you put it, controls people in society, 
individually and collectively is through money.

Most of the support that was engendered in the early 
days came from socialists who were attracted by the 
idea of a National Dividend etc. One of the reasons 
the Labor Party in Britain were so vehemently against 
him was because their supporters were attracted to 
Social Credit, albeit for the wrong reasons. If ever 
a vindication is needed to support Douglas' 
contentions regarding the money power one has only to 
look behind the scenes in the Albertan  episode. That 
is why, in his later years he devoted his efforts to 
draw attention to the fact that although finance and 
the money question was just as important as ever, "it 
is the second trench to be taken". The first being to 
expose those controlling the money power, who not 
only controlled the people through that money power 
but also governments who are supposed to representing 
the people.

Vic Bridger

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