Date:   Thu, 21 Aug 2003 12:33:24 -0500 
From:   "Wray, Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:   RE: please elaborate

ok i can see we've taken this as far as it can go. i did provide references to 
articles you can look up if you desire.

***>see recent jpke article by bell and wray for some details, and bell's articles in 
cambridge jnl and jei for fed operations. mosler's first paper, soft currency econ, 
available on his web cites and summarizes one of the fed operations people.<***

Okey dokey--I really wish you had explained how "advance-sales" demonstate the fed's 
lack of independence, as you asserted, rather than merely refering us to a slew of 
articles--some of which I know for a fact do not even mention the term 
"advance-sales."  Could you not still explain?

Too much of your (meaning the Moslerite) case seems to be reverse-engineered from 
false premises to a parallel universe where the false premises apply.  At any rate, 
that's what it seems to me.

It does not look to be the method of science but metaphysics.

As to the articles, I will indeed look up the ones I do not have.

Thanks for the interesting conversation.


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