The conspiracy theory thing relates to your claim 
that the committee was putting on a "dog and pony 
show."  The committee members were in on the joke 
except Sanders and Paul and the rest of congress and 
the fed and the public and Greenspan, who is out of 
the loop.  But in on the joke are the "professionals" 
at the fed and "insiders" like Mr. Mosler.  Despite 
the Federal Reserve Act the fed is not really 
"independent" except for the fed rate.  They say they 
determine the fed rate through open market operations 
but that has nothing to do with it, etc.

***>i find the notion that greenspan runs the treas 
quite bizzaro.<***

Who said that Greenspan runs Treasury?  All I said 
was that Treasury covers the checks it writes totally 
from the combination of taxes and bond sales on a 
day-by-day basis.  That seems to be empirical fact 
and you've shown nothing to the contrary except mere 
assertion.  I say the central bank is the central 
bank and Treasury is the Treasury, and the central 
bank is the independent agency that has the monopoly 
in creating and destroying HPM.

Some might say this statement by you is bizarro:

***>there is no question but that greenspan knows 
almost nothing about the operation of the fed.<***

It is true he is a presidential appointee in a weak 
position as compared to the special interests 
(financial/banking/Wall Street) which dominate the 
institution as opposed to the will of the people as 
expressed (potentially) by its elected 

***>you don't seem to understand how the advance-sale 
of treasuries occurs. it requires the compliance of 
the fed--which of course always does comply as it is 
not independent. all the professionals working at the 
fed know this.<***

I ask you again to elaborate on this advance-sale 

--------- Original Message ---------

DATE: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 09:36:26
From: "Wray, Randall" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>i have no idea what this conspiracy is to which you refer.
>a good example of recent nyt articles on greenspan is by gretchen morgenson, 20 july 
>"suddenly greenspan is, well, mortal", but there are many others. they started almost 
>the minute woodward's silly book came out.
>see recent jpke article by bell and wray for some details, and bell's articles in 
>cambridge jnl and jei for fed operations. mosler's first paper, soft currency econ, 
>available on his web cites and summarizes one of the fed operations people.
>i find the notion that greenspan runs the treas quite bizzaro.
>the churning is used by the fed to match actual and desired reserve holdings nearly 
>minute by minute. outright purchases/sales would almost certainly lead to greater 
>flux of ffr. does this matter? maybe not too much.
>are you really surprised to learn that congress doesn't have much to do with daily 
>operations of govt?

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