I find this paragraph from  * Social Credit, Part III: The Design of Economic 
Freedom APPENDIX* rather  interesting. Any comment?

* * * ** * *

Any administrative change in the organisation of the Post Office should 
specifically exclude transfer of the money and postal order department and 
the savings bank. No payments of the national dividend will be made except to 
individuals, and such payments will not be made where the net income of the 
individual for personal use, from other sources, is more than four times that 
receivable in respect of the national dividend. The national dividend will be 
tax-free in perpetuity, and will not be taken into consideration in making 
any returns for taxation purposes, should such be required. Except as herein 
specified this dividend will be inalienable.
* * * * * * 
Seems to contradict some thinking expressed on this list. Did Douglas recant 
at some later stage?

PS. I like the idea of either not paying to those who have no need, or 
grabbing it back via the tax system.  

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