On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 05:10:41PM +0200, Kurt Van Dijck wrote:
> This is an effort to provide a CAN transceiver subsystem for use with
> socketcan.
> The goal is to allow different functions of different CAN transceivers
> to nicely cooperate with socketCAN devices, without socketCAN devices
> needing to know thing of their corresponding transceivers.

a short extract of my usage of a pca82c251. I could not find a spot to
insert it as example.
It comes from a board with 2 sja1000's, connected as platform_device.
The board has 2 gpio's, one for each transceiver to enable.

static struct pca82c251_platform_data cantr_pdata[2] = {
        [0] = {
                .gpio = 97,
                .slope_resistor = 47000,
                .match = "sja1000_platform.0",
        [1] = {
                .gpio = 98,
                .slope_resistor = 47000,
                .match = "sja1000_platform.1",

static struct platform_device cantr[2] = {
        [0] = {
                .name = "pca82c251",
                .id = 0,
                .dev.platform_data = &cantr_pdata[0],
        [1] = {
                .name = "pca82c251",
                .id = 1,
                .dev.platform_data = &cantr_pdata[1],

Maybe it's a help

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