I am watching the SocketCAN project from a user point of view and if I
wouldn't have known some people like Oliver who explained all the cool
features to me I probably never would have used SocketCAN.
I think it is good that Berlios is closing and it is time for something new.
Mailing lists, diffs and SVN are technologies that surely worked well for
years but there are new ways to do collaborative coding.
If you want the young and wild web2.0 guys like me to find interest in this
project I suggest a new way.
I talked with Oliver about my ideas and he said I should post theme here. So
here it goes:

- use git as the version control system (many git-SVN comparisons on the
internet; I think it _really_ is the way to go; kernel using git)

- use GitHub as the hosting platform

- create a SocketCAN 'team' at GitHub containing the core developers who had
write access to the SVN (https://github.com/features/projects/collaboration)

- create two projects associated with the team:

1. 'SocketCAN' with the current state of the SocketCAN-tree in the kernel
(not what is currently in the SVN). All patches should go here and for a
kernel update the changes should be pulled from this repository. Every user
like me can fork this project, commit changes and send a pull request to the
main repository. The core developers review the pull request, discuss it and
accept it or not (https://github.com/features/projects/codereview)

2. 'can-utils' containing the content of the current SVN

- use the integrated wiki functionality of GitHub for documentation (

- use the integrated issue tracker (

- possibly use github pages (http://pages.github.com/) for general
information about the project, logos, link to mailing list, can-utils
binaries etc.)

- possibly buy a domain and redirect it to these pages

- don't discuss patches on the mailing list but do it inline on github. This
is really cool! https://github.com/features/projects/codereview

- this way everything is in one place which is very handy for new developers
and users

- this is not a 'GitHub-only' solution because core developers can still
pull changes from every other git repository

No I am not getting money from GitHub but I am convinced that the features
they are offering are really great and fun.

Just my two cents ;)

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