Because private mail was not what I expected from the list... just in case someone else has the same question...

"Suppose you were an idiot...
 And suppose you were a member of Congress...
 But I repeat myself."
   - Mark Twain

R Bruce Hoffman

--- Begin Message --- Honestly... no. I am unable to share the details of that information... it's considered proprietary. And there is very little "truely" relevant information currently available on the web.

Off the record... build an FC4 machine. Three partitions. First partition full root and install. Boot. Mount second partition as /duplicate, copy foundation to /duplicate. Screw with grub config to bring up /duplicate as root (boot into second partition.) Scrub to small system with essential services on /duplicate. Reboot back into first partition. Construct image files on third partition. Mount image file in loop device. Copy /duplicate parts to the mounted image file. Unmount. Copy image to CF card. Grub up the CF card. Pull out the CF card. Mount in Soekris.

But this is just the beginning. You need to mess with the init.d scripts and Red Hat has specific ways of booting read only and shutdown's are a problem as is making ramdisk images available for certain writeable directories during normal operations.

Kannaiyan Natesan wrote:
Hi Bruce,

Can you please let me know how you managed to run Fedora Core 4 onto
CF and boot the soekris. I'm looking for similar solution for net



On 7/9/07, R Bruce Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have both 4801 and 5501 running with Fedora Core 4 from CF.

I have noticed that during the attempted boot of Fedora 7, that there
are no drives visible during the nash init script running from the
initial ram disk image, nor during a non-initrd boot. No hda, no sda, no

Does anyone know what driver I might be missing here?

I have tried the various ones that are listed from a search of the
CS5536 and AMD stuff through the initrd image, (like , pata_cs5535.ko ,
5530 and 5520) but I don't see anything in the modules that acknowledges
the CF configuration like what happened in the FC4 versions.

Is this just a matter of the 5536 being too new for Fedora? Or am I
missing something else?

"Suppose you were an idiot...
  And suppose you were a member of Congress...
  But I repeat myself."
    - Mark Twain

R Bruce Hoffman

Soekris-tech mailing list

"Suppose you were an idiot...
 And suppose you were a member of Congress...
 But I repeat myself."
   - Mark Twain

R Bruce Hoffman

--- End Message ---
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