
my net6501 suddenly did not boot anymore after a power failure. Only
the power and error LED are lit up. No POST messages in the console.
Accessing the uManager works. I tried changing the power supply, but
nothing changed. So I went for a BIOS reflash from the uManager. While
struggling with cu and the XMODEM transfer the download command timed
out. Having read that download works only once per power cycle I hit the
reset button and magically the system came back to live and POSTed
properly. Being curious I shut down the system and power cycled it -
again no boot possible. Hitting reset multiple times doesn't work. But
entering uManager, letting the download command timeout and then
hitting reset makes the board POST again. This seems to be
reproducible, so at least I have a workaround now,

but has someone an idea how to fix that? Could this be some kind of
hardware fault? Anything else I could try? I'm worried the system will
stop working completely if this is some dying capacitor or something
similar which leads to timing problems on the POST...

Thanks a lot!

Best regards,
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