2008/12/9 Aleksander Morgado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> After creating a NTA agent with a thread-safe home, is it ok to assume
> that any other thread can call nta_leg_destroy() without any
> synchronism problem?
> What if nta_leg_destroy() is called from a given thread, and meanwhile
> the "main" thread is receiving a new transaction to that same leg?
> Also, what if a new leg is created in the NTA (so added to the
> internal list of legs) and meanwhile another thread calls
> nta_leg_destroy() (so removed from the internal list of legs). Are
> those operations on the internal list (or hash table, or whatever it
> is) synchronized in a multi-threaded environment with a thread-safe
> home in the NTA?
> In a brief, is making the home of NTA agent thread-safe enough for all
> those situations?

Unfortunately no. The nta functions are thread-safe in the mean that
they do not use any shared global data, the nta objects like nta_leg_t
or nta_agent_t are not thead-safe.

You have to obtain the root (via su_root_obtain()) that is used by nta
in order to access the nta objects in safe manner. (The original
thread used to create the root object must first release it with

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