1GB of RAM is no good for VISTA.  VISTA Requires 2 GB.  In fact, many PC 
dealers are now giving away the second 1 GB for free including DELL and HP.

I can see it now.  Buy windows vista and get a coupon for 2 GB of free memory 
Hi Hi.

My Winradio 305E runs great under VISTA.  In fact for some reason.  I can Run 
WIN305E now while browsing the internet without it cutting out or getting an 
error using the OCTOBER 31 1.97 software. 

Same computer 2.2 GHZ but I added 3 GB of more memory for a total of 4GB and 
new sound card creative XFI.


-------------- Original message from "i2phd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: 

I have been asked by many why I am not intending not even to test my
software under Vista, let alone porting it to the new opsys.

Here is another reason, as if the previous were not enough :


73 Alberto I2PHD


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