--- In soft_radio@yahoogroups.com, Andreas Troschka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> In the meanwhile, using the hardware we have now!, WinXP seems to
better satisfy the SDR/DSP needs as Vista can do. Seen from this point
of view, what Alberto is saying makes really sense, isn't it?
> vy 73s de Andreas - ik2wqi

The problem is he's basing it not on first hand experience but on
rumors and FUD .... And the ironic part is Vista is much more stable
than XP when it first came out, XP was slower than Win2K uyntil SP1
came out, as late as 2004 it hadn't been adopted by Big Biz in large
numbers, you had to upgrade a lot of hardware to make it run on an
older machine .... Gee sound familiar? A buggy sound or video driver
will take down XP in a heartbeat, not so with Vista because it's in
User Space where it belongs ... I have yet to see a bluescreen or have
it lock up on me, although I did have Pinnacle's poorly written
drivers keep it from booting once (Unplug the device and reload the
old drivers, took about 10 minutes to fix) .... Other than a lack of
soundcard drivers it was hands down the most trouble free Windows
upgrade Ive ever done and I've been running Windows since 1.0 (I still
have the original 5 1/4 floppies) .... And I've run untold versions of
Linux since I first tried Redhat in 1996 including a 100% complied
version of Gentoo (Fast until you included all the downtime
recompiling EVERY time there was a patch or upgrade) and even
maintained a server farm for 3 years for (mostly American Indian)
NGO's that ran on Redhat .... it's not like I tried it once and said
forget it, I ran it exclusively for two years when XP came out hoping
it would be practical to dump Windows ... it wasn't, I have too much
hardware unsupported or poorly supported in Linux 

Basically everything that people are saying or complaining about in
Vista, they were complaining about when XP first came out but now
people talk as if XP is Da Bomb? 

Vista's new sound model has a lot of potential for DSP and sound apps
and it would be wise to get on board and do the research now or get
left behind later ... For instance the WaveRT driver model will make
ASIO obsolete, Scheduling will work like it does in a low latency
patched Linux kernel finally giving audio streaming the priority it
needs, something ASIO can't and won't ever be able to do ... The
Multimedia Class Scheduling Service is another bright spot for DSP,
properly implemented and supported in the soundcard drivers dropouts
should become a thing of the past ... Learning how to make these work
will make DSP in Vista faster and more stable than XP could have ever
dreamed of .... These aren't Microsoft's ideas, they are the ideas of
the people who make and write high end DAW software (Hardcore DSP) and
provide DAW interface Pro Soundcards) and suggested to Microsoft when
MS finally got smart and started asking DAW developers what the wanted
and needed from an OS

How Vista benchmarks for Office Apps is entirely irrelevent to audio
and DSP in Vista ... if you run drivers and software based on the XP
models of course it's not going to benchmark well in Vista

SDR is the wave of the future for RF and Vista's new sound models are
the wave of the future for DSP/DAW .... 

I'll end this here but don't get mad at me in a couple of years when I
get to say "I told ya so" ...


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