On 5/4/2010 7:58 PM, Ray Anderson wrote:


Any chance you could post the contents of the message to this group? The Winrad group is locked down unless you are a member.

-Ray  WB6TPU

yes, I forgot that you must be a member to access the archives of that group.
Let me see if I succeed in copying the HTML format of that message.

73  Alberto  I2PHD
--------------------------------------- Copied message -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


I use myself the E-MU 0202 with Winrad and it works quite well. My suggestion is to use it with the ASIO drivers, that got automatically installed when you installed the card. I also use it at 192 kHz, and have no problems.

About the savings of the parameters in Winrad, which version are you using ? Up to version V1.33 all the working configuration of Winrad was saved in the registry, and when the program starts again , you will find the filters, I/Q switch, mode, etc. exactly as you left them at close down.

I know that in the subsequent versions, those that were produced modifying the source code that I released, things have changed, in the sense that apparently the registry is no more used (they preferred to use an INI file), and some of the parameters are not saved. But I can't be more specific than this.

Talking again of the E-MU 0202, probably you have already spotted this, but the adapter is a bit confusing about the rear panel connectors.... This image has annotations in Italian, but they are (I hope) understandable. In any case this is the translation :

"Questo NON va usato"    => This must not be used
"Ingresso sinistro"             =>  Left input
"Ingresso destro"              =>  Right input
"Questo NON e' stereo"   =>  This is not stereo


Additionally, the position of the front level knobs is peculiar... the two amplifiers have different gains, so for the best image rejection the two
knobs must be set as depicted in the following photo.

"Lasciare tutto a sinistra (a zero)" => Leave at the left stop (zero position)
"Mettere piu' o meno come indicato"  => Set it approximately as in the photo


Hope this helps

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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