Ummm, all the devs are moving on to the new project and we are keeping the team 

All the Softies have had a hand in training the Singapore team to make sure the 
transition is a smooth one. They have not been scared to jump into such a large 
product so I'm excited to see what they can do. As Chun-Pong mentioned there 
are some very experienced Softimage devs in the consulting team in Montreal 
that still work on Softimage and many of their fixes get rolled into each 
release. Everyone involved with Softimage over the past few years is still 
around so the knowledge is not going anywhere.

[] On Behalf Of Steven Caron
Sent: 19 April 2012 22:41
Subject: Re: Intro to the new team (was RE: Softimage development)

stay calm, there are others still around... unless they are leaving too. sean, 
marc-andre, yanick, brent... those are just off the top of my head.

dont forget all the support guys too! stephen, graham, siddarth, matthew.. i am 
sure i am missing someone...


On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 2:33 PM, Rob Chapman 
<<>> wrote:
incredulous, absolve the the entire known dev team ( except Brent stays yes?) 
into fecking Maya, plan it for over year, whilst denying everything and that 
nothing is going to happen to Softimage.  seriously?

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