Can you adapt your script to use the built-in option Create Polygon Clusters - 
Per Section Along Depth (in the Curve to Mesh Converter operator) to create the 
necessary clusters?


[] On Behalf Of Eric Cosky
Sent: Tuesday, June 05, 2012 11:34 AM
Subject: Best way to procedurally set different materials on the 
front/bevel/sides of text objects?


I have to generate a lot of extruded and beveled text objects which need to 
have different materials on the front, bevel and sides. I already have a script 
that generates all the individual text objects, but I haven't yet been able to 
figure out how to set up the materials using built in features. It seems like 
this is perhaps something best done with ICE where I would evaluate the normals 
of each text object to identify front/bevel/sides/back and build a new mesh for 
each group and assign it the appropriate material. I'm not sure how I would set 
up the ICE tree for this though. I see the "Set Materials from Strings" that 
came with SI2012 which looks like something I would need, but I'm not yet 
finding any examples of how to use this node.

Before I dive too far into this, does anyone have any suggestions or tips on 
how to best deal with this task?


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