I have a road whose polygons are upside down. One by one, I want the
polygons to rotate 180 degrees so that the polygon normals point upwards.
This is part of an animation, so the rotation must be gradual. And I can't
just rotate around some global axis because the road has curves and turns.

On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 9:26 AM, Simon Anderson <
simonbenandersonl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> hey,
> you will have to look into Matrix's, global Matrix's to be exact and then
> do a Invert to and multiply, to get one matrix into its parents space. Its
> not as insane as it sounds.
> i would suggest creating two nulls, get there globla kinematics(Matrix)
> then do a invert on the one matrix(A) and multiply it by the other
> Matrix(B), and pipe that back into the global kinematics.
> That would give you a better understanding or matrix's and there space,
> and then you can mess around with the rotations of the local matrix.
> Hope that helps, also im not 100% sure what kind of rotation effect your
> trying to achieve?
> On Tue, Aug 28, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Christian Gotzinger <
> cgo...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi list,
>> I want to animate a road building itself by scaling its polygons from 0
>> to 1. I've already got this done. But I also want to rotate the polygons
>> 180 degrees around their local axes. Can someone explain the math behind
>> this? Thank you!
> --
> -------------------
> Simon Ben Anderson
> blog: http://vinyldevelopment.wordpress.com/

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