Apologies for bringing this slightly old thread back to life. I have been
testing workgroup switching without having to restart Softimage.

Specifically, I have two workgroups, where each workgroup has just one
add-on installed in it. No .xsirtcompound files exist in any workgroup.

The addon in each of the two workgroups is a unique version of VRay.

I want to ideally trigger the workgroup switch using the onEndSceneOpen
event (as every scene defines it's renderer version in a custom property)

If I use the siOnEndSceneOpen event for switching, Softimage always
crashes. Unlike Martins case, the rate of success is 0. However, if I
attach the logic inside the event callback to a buttons OnClicked callback,
the switching works flawlessly after the button is clicked.

Martins original post required an xsirtcompound file to be present in the
workgroup for Softimage to reliably crash, but I can reproduce this crash
every time without the file. It seems to me that this problem is a bit
deeper than it seems. Seng-Siong Lim wrote saying that it was only
reproduced when using a script for switching and manual switching worked
fine. In my case, the switching in either case is triggered through a
script (OnClicked or OnEvent) but only fails when fired through an OnEvent

If anyone else has notes to share on this, please share.


On 16 August 2012 16:31, Nic Groot Bluemink <nicgrootbluem...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Oh aye, I wouldn't argue with that. It's that at the time live
> loading/unloading of renderers was a (poorly) 'known limitation' of sorts -
> the kind of annoyance you have to live with and work around. If changes
> have been made to the system since and it's now a bug, then +1 to fixing
> that :)
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 4:17 PM, Steffen Dünner <steffen.duen...@gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> I would rather vote for fixing it where it's broken, i.e. on the
>> Softimage side. :)
>> Cheers
>> 2012/8/15 Nic Groot Bluemink <nicgrootbluem...@gmail.com>
>>> Hey Martin,
>>> Though it's little help, I recall running across a warning in the SI
>>> docs that unloading custom renderers in-session could introduce
>>> instabilities back when I was investigating the same thing. I can't find
>>> the exact entry for you, it was weeks before I accidentally stumbled across
>>> it last time, but that's pretty much where I threw my hands in the air and
>>> wrote a workgroup switcher that would restart sessions instead here at
>>> Kettle.
>>> Nic
> --
> Technical Pretty Picture Making Person
> Kettle <http://www.kettlestudio.co.uk/>

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