To whom I may concern, in terms of the world moving on.

It´s better to make sure subscription is payed annually, as it is the
cheapest way to keep up to date.

You lose your option to "re-fill" your subscription 12 months after subscription
has ended. You´re left with the upgrade+subscription option then.

The upgrade price is around 70% of a full version.

I missed this "little" detail and had to go the upgrade route today.

This week, there is a upgrade option that gives you the Ultimate Bundle for
the price of the Premium bundle. You get 1Maya+13DSMax+1Softimage+1Mudbox+...

The annual subscription fee for the Ultimate bundle pretty much equals
just buying subscription for 2 standalone versions but gives you subscription
for at least 5 useable programs, not counting SketchBook® Designer, which
I don´t know anything about.

Hope this helps.

Check your reseller, change your world :-)

On 18.01.2014 18:57, Tim Leydecker wrote:
But maybe we could get at least an Autodesk Advertisement here:

Or even a next-gen app, next year?

Because technically, speaking strictly mayan, we reached the end of the
world on Dec. 21. 2012 already.

I didn´t even bother to buy any more support/supscription...

On 17.01.2014 22:00, Stephen Blair wrote:
Friday Flashback #155
The future of 3d animation began 14 years ago on this day, Jan 17th.
Was it worth the wait?

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