Hey there. I could use some recommendations here. I'm trying to add some jiggle as secondary motion to a mesh I have. I just need it in certain parts of the mesh. So, I did some research, and decided to use this guy's compound...


I got it running, but it's INSANELY slow (I have no idea how he got it to run like that in his video. My mesh is more complex, but nothing extraordinary... and it's just a stand-in! The real model will definitely be higher-res).
So, before I run down the road of using proxies, shrink-wraps, etc. does anyone have any suggestions around creating this kind of effect on an object in a more efficient manner? I'm all ears. It doesn't have to be incredibly accurate. Just need to see some motion going on there (I need it to 'simulate' fat on a character, but nothing massive).

Thanks for any suggestions!

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