
Finally i had a look at the scripts from Juan Brockhaus. They're working,
but You need to enable* "Show old FCurve Custom Commands" *at the bottom of
the "Animation Editor" Preferences :)

In case they're not loading at all - check the *plugin manager* if there is
any error there (red triangle) on the *"fcurve_edit Plug-in"*. If there is,
it's probably related to the path or the system platform condition.

If that is the case just right click on the faulty "fcurve_edit Plug-in"
and choose "edit" and make sure the first section is correct:

Change "Win32" to "Win64" if You're on 64 bit system, and/or simply set the
value of the path earlier:

var jp_script_path =
if( Application.Platform == "Linux")
jp_script_path = "............./JP_executed_scripts/";
if( Application.Platform == "Win32")
jp_script_path = "DRIVELETTER:\\path\\to\\plugin\\JP_executed_scripts\\";

Save and reload plugin.

On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Rob Wuijster <r...@casema.nl> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> I ran into this before, but never really found a quick and dirty solution.
> What I'm after is to select a bunch of equal keyframes in the Animation
> Editor, and randomize them in time.
> e.g. 20 objects going from left to right, frame 1 to 100. Now randomize
> start and end keys on the f-curves within 25 frames or so.
> I did some digging and found an old script set for f-curve manipulation
> from Juan Brockhaus, but those don't work anymore in SI2013SP1.
> One would expect to have the r(x,y) or l(x,y) commands work in the Frame
> box in the AE by now, but strangely enough no....
> So if anyone has a simple solution, or a simple script that would be great.
> --
> cheers,
> Rob
> \/-------------\/----------------\/

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