I've slightly lost where you're going with this. It'll be a huge task to
get everyone collaborating, but if it's broken down into short sections
that individuals can work on, giving their section it's own style, the end
result will show how broad and flexible Soft is. The example I gave before
was the promo 'Dumb ways to die', not the look and feel, but the way it's
easily broken into bite size pieces. It would be really interesting to give
individuals short sections that they can apply their own unique style to,
then just drop that in to the finished animation.

On 13 March 2014 15:36, Doeke Wartena <clankil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any new ideas are more then welcome.
> And Nika, you make sounds Paul idea really flat. And it might sounds a
> little at first but it has so much room to make it a nice short. Paul and i
> gave some more thought to it the last 2 days and we came up with things
> that can make it quite nice.
> More about this probably tomorrow.
> What i like atm is that the current story doesn't lean on dialog. This way
> we can go really strong with image, and show where softimage really shines.
> For the rest i would love if people came with more ideas, that way we can
> choose or mix them. But i think a lot of people will come with great ideas
> while the current story is shaping more.
> 2014-03-13 16:11 GMT+01:00 Nicolas Esposito <3dv...@gmail.com>:
> Its quite early and lots of stuff needs to be organized, but I think that
>> a good starting point would be first to fill the doc shared by Doeke, so
>> small teams could be created, then a storyboard could be done by an artist
>> by getting in contact with Paul Smith in order to put "on paper" the idea,
>> share the storyboard and from there see the community response ( by voting
>> or poll ), so that everyone could express his opinion, add something,
>> propose changes and so on...
>> This as a starting point, then, when the general idea and the storyboard
>> is approved, start to assign to each team the different tasks.
>> I think that right now is a bit early to just say "its working/isn't
>> working", so better start to setup something in order to be a bit organized
>> ;-)
>> 2014-03-13 15:48 GMT+01:00 Doeke Wartena <clankil...@gmail.com>:
>> That is an excellent idea Darren, i really wonder what you people create.
>>> I just added the column.
>>> -D
>>> 2014-03-13 15:14 GMT+01:00 Darren Cullis <3d.dar...@gmail.com>:
>>> hey Doeke,
>>>> is it work adding a website Column and add our URL into that too?
>>>> Darren
>>>> On 13 March 2014 13:11, Doeke Wartena <clankil...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> I made a spreadsheet with all the users.
>>>>> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AqqQMl3Y0K4QdDd4NG5TZGRTYXRoa2s2MElTb1lET0E&usp=sharing
>>>>> Atm, it's a mess. I need everyone that's on the list to clear his own
>>>>> row. That is, removing the number in front. Fill in your skills, add your
>>>>> email, county and city.
>>>>> After it is more complete i will send you guys invites to the teamwork
>>>>> project site.
>>>>> Don't wait to long with filling it in, i will make the document
>>>>> private in a few days. Also i will make a google docs folder for the
>>>>> project by then.
>>>>> If your not on the list but you want to help then add yourself.
>>>>> After a few days you can always drop a mail here if you still want to
>>>>> be part.
>>>>> cheers!
>>>>> 2014-03-13 13:38 GMT+01:00 <p...@bustykelp.com>:
>>>>>   You are welcome to organise a vote if you like. As I said. I'm not
>>>>>> trying to force this down anyone's throat ,but just trying to keep up 
>>>>>> some
>>>>>> momentum. If I hear enough negativity toward my  idea, I'll happily
>>>>>> reassess it, but it seems that most people either think its worth 
>>>>>> pursuing
>>>>>> or have not said otherwise.
>>>>>>  *From:* Nika Ragua <nikaragu...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> *Sent:* Thursday, March 13, 2014 12:30 PM
>>>>>> *To:* softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>>> *Subject:* Re: A germ of an idea.
>>>>>>  and how to rule 51 artists ? with a discussion, voting and
>>>>>> overwhelming majority - c`mon, boys, lets be creative - no need to be a
>>>>>> small cog in a machine in this project
>>>>>> 2014-03-13 16:19 GMT+04:00 Nika Ragua <nikaragu...@gmail.com>:
>>>>>>> (scratching a head) i can suggest  the following as opposite to
>>>>>>> vinaigrette of characters - ONE, but cool character, good dramatic 
>>>>>>> plot, 1
>>>>>>> min length, it won`t kick very hard to  your time resources, not 
>>>>>>> directly
>>>>>>> connected to softimage particulary, i can do it if you guys not so
>>>>>>> desperately want to do brute force "save softimage" message, if not, i
>>>>>>> would prefer to make it on my own, and not spreading it before it done.
>>>>>>> 2014-03-13 16:11 GMT+04:00 Daniel Sweeney <dan...@northforge.co.uk>:
>>>>>>>  well maybe its a decision how it ends, I really like the idea.
>>>>>>>> Could be they are all gathering at one point as been discussed, but
>>>>>>>> it could be all gathering at one operators desk using softimage?
>>>>>>>> all the characters gather behind him as he is making a character or
>>>>>>>> some scene in softimage. he turns around to see maybe greg come up and
>>>>>>>> place his hand on his shoulder and smiles. the camera tracks back and 
>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>> end slogan comes up. maybe "Created in softimage. The possibilities 
>>>>>>>> use to
>>>>>>>> be endless?"
>>>>>>>> Daniel Sweeney
>>>>>>>> 3D Creative Director
>>>>>>>> *Mobile:* +44 (0)7743429771
>>>>>>>> *Email:* dan...@northforge.co.uk
>>>>>>>> *Web:* http://northforge.co.uk
>>>>>>>> On Thu, Mar 13, 2014 at 11:51 AM, Matt Morris <matt...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Happy to go with paul's idea, its a clear message, if the
>>>>>>>>> characters just gather and then walk off somewhere else, what is that
>>>>>>>>> saying? I don't think its communicates as clearly.
>>>>>>>>> On 13 March 2014 11:42, Nika Ragua <nikaragu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> i`m against and told why
>>>>>>>>>> 2014-03-13 15:35 GMT+04:00 <p...@bustykelp.com>:
>>>>>>>>>> Well, I'm happy with it, but I don't want to be a dictator.
>>>>>>>>>>> It seems to have got a pretty positive response so unless I get
>>>>>>>>>>> complaints we'll go with it as a base
>>>>>>>>>>> -----Original Message----- From: Leendert A. Hartog
>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, March 13, 2014 11:22 AM
>>>>>>>>>>> To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: A germ of an idea.
>>>>>>>>>>>  Hi Paul,
>>>>>>>>>>> In your possibly "last" act of coordinating this, I'd - if I
>>>>>>>>>>> were you -
>>>>>>>>>>> "lock down" your story idea as the way forward, in that a
>>>>>>>>>>> discussion how
>>>>>>>>>>> the story will ultimately play out stays on the table,  but new
>>>>>>>>>>> story
>>>>>>>>>>> ideas needn't be discussed anymore...
>>>>>>>>>>> Greetz
>>>>>>>>>>> Leendert
>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>> Leendert A. Hartog - Softimage hobbyist
>>>>>>>>>>> AKA Hirazi Blue - Administrator  @, NOT the owner of
>>>>>>>>>>> si-community.com
>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>> www.matinai.com
>>>> --
>>>> <http://www.dc3d.co.uk>
>>>> Darren Cullis
>>>> Character Animator / 3d Artist
>>>> t: + 44 ( 0 ) 7595 584800
>>>> e: 3d.dar...@gmail.com
>>>> w: www.dc3d.co.uk
>>>> YouTube: Mr_DC3D <http://goo.gl/KTUnr>


Chris Marshall
Mint Motion Limited
029 20 37 27 57
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