Title: Signature
blue pill.......or red pill? 


Sylvain Lebeau // SHED
V-P/Visual effects supervisor
T 514 849-1555 F 514 849-5025 

VFX Curriculum 03: Compositing Basics

On Mar 13, 2014, at 9:08 PM, Tim Crowson <tim.crow...@magneticdreams.com> wrote:

You're just saying this to distract us from the truth that you're actually telling the truth, aren't you? I see how it is....



On 3/13/2014 7:59 PM, Raffaele Fragapane wrote:
Time for the truth to come out.

When LEGO hit the theatres and made more in a single opening than it cost to produce the entire movie and its marketing clips, everybody wondered how it was possible that it had been made for less than 60 million.

People quickly found out it was entirely produced in Softimage, and immediately Pixar, Disney, DWA, BlueSky and Sony called Autodesk and threatened to sue them for the added expenses their other software costed, and pushed for them to shut down Softimage so they could cripple Animal Logic, a company well known to use no other software!

AD had to scamper towards emergency measures, called Glassworks, The Mill, Blur and Passion Pictures to ask if they found Softimage to be an unfair advantage, when they confirmed it was, it became clear that the only sane move was to completely kill the product within the month.

Yes, that's how it went. I'm sorry, it's all our fault.

In case it's not clear, none of the above is true, and the usage of software on LEGO was almost evenly split betwen Propietary, Soft, Houdini, Maya, Nuke, LDD, Mari and so on. In fact it's probably rare to find a movie with such a flat license pull graph on the servers.


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