Get used to it! At least its always a different day when using Maya, in Soft 
was boring, everything works all the time.—
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On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 7:56 AM, Gerbrand Nel <> wrote:

> I just want to check If this is a known issue, or if I'm hitting my head 
> against my own stupidity.
> I'm modelling something in Maya for the last 2 days (would have taken 3 
> hours in soft, but hey, its a learning curve) ,
> And every once in a while my interaction stops working. Like the "f" key 
> no longer frames selection, or the modeling toolkit stops previewing 
> edge-loops. F8 also stops doing what it should be doing.
> When I save and restart, all is back to normal,
> So is there some "mode" or "thing" I don't know about, or have you guys 
> found it buggy too?
> It's Maya 2014 sp2 30 day trail.
> Thanks
> G

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