I am really beginning to think Kim Aldis had the right idea.
The perfect word that describes how I feel is "mukatsuku".  It's Japanese
and roughly translates to feeling sick, annoyed, offended, and generally
unhappy with the situation.

Maybe I'll take the next 2 years to learn how to build iOS apps.
 FlappyDesk, AutoFlappy.....


On Thu, Mar 20, 2014 at 3:43 PM, Chris Marshall

> Paul,
> I'm totally with you on this 100%
> Chris
> On Thursday, 20 March 2014, Paul Griswold <
> pgrisw...@fusiondigitalproductions.com> wrote:
>>  I had some time away from the office today and while I was driving down
>> the highway I started thinking about the situation and I'm no less pissed
>> off today than I was when they made the announcement.
>> I've been watching as many Modo and Houdini intro videos, tutorials,
>> etc., that I can find and what I've discovered is, neither of them can
>> replace Softimage today.
>> If you're a TD, then Houdini is probably a great way to go, but I'm
>> another one of those people who don't like to script and want to keep
>> things simple.  Everything in Houdini seems to involve writing at least a
>> little script here and there.
>> Modo on the other hand looks very simple and straightforward, but it's
>> lacking a LOT of power.  I noticed in some demos on things like instancing,
>> the viewport REALLY slowed down.  It doesn't look like it's ready for
>> prime-time when it comes to dense scenes.  The way everything you do is
>> "frozen" is crazy these days.  I can't believe if you extrude along a curve
>> the geometry doesn't stay stuck to the curve.  Until Modo makes some major
>> moves, I just think it's a step up from Lightwave.
>> I'm leaving Maya out of the picture because in all honesty, Autodesk is
>> totally delusional if they think Maya will be a good fit for small shops
>> working on tight deadlines.  Maybe in 5-8 years Maya will finally hit its
>> stride, but I'm assuming by then the entire M&E division will have been
>> shut down in favor of just licensing patents & technology.  (seriously -
>> mark my words - I am confident the entire M&E division will be shut down)
>> I started thinking about most of the jobs I've done over the past few
>> years, and I can honestly say I don't think I could do 90-95% of them in
>> either Houdini or Modo as easily as in Softimage - if at all.
>> So where I stand now is - totally screwed.  I either have to put faith in
>> The Foundry that they'll bring Modo up to Softimage's level in the next 2
>> years or I have to spend the next 2 years really digging in to Houdini to
>> get myself up to speed again.
>> In either case, I don't see a positive outcome.  I'm not young and I have
>> a family.  I can't work all day, then spend the evenings learning new
>> software.  This BS about artists not putting all their eggs in one basket
>> just is a slap in my face.  I put my faith in Autodesk when they said "the
>> future of Sofitmage is bright!"  When I was told over and over again I was
>> being a conspiracy nut when I said Autodesk was intentionally trying to
>> destroy Softimage.  Well, look where we are now.
>> Murdering Softimage without having ANYTHING remotely close to replace it
>> is like peeing on my face and telling me it's liquid sunshine!
>> Maybe Autodesk is right.  Maybe the all-in-one approach of Softimage is
>> dead.  Maybe I'm out of touch with how the world of animation & VFX works
>> these days.
>> In any event.  I'm a very unhappy paying Autodesk customer.  I do not
>> feel like my money has gone to anything I paid for.
>> -Paul
> --
> Chris Marshall
> Mint Motion Limited
> 029 20 37 27 57
> 07730 533 115
> www.mintmotion.co.uk

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