Let's just call it off yet again (sigh). I'm tired of this shit too.

Not entirely sure what is being perceived as overtly conspiratorial, the
issues are their

it's not just my opinion that AD bought all three DCC's

or killed Softimage

or stagers feature releases

or the subsequent cost to clients.

I however i do take responsibility for my interpretation, but as i pointed
out, there is so little room for any other interpretation. so no i don't
think this qualifies as a conspiracy theory

that said I'm able to see when I'm merely fueling, and getting obnoxious.
If i have to come out the bad guy on this one so be it, just looks all the
more grotesque when you look at the bigger picture.

but yea i also want this to stop.

On 3 April 2014 07:45, Raffaele Fragapane <raffsxsil...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> I don't often do this, but...
> +1
> The list has degraded in its participation and contents considerably, and
> I've already seen many good names disappear for it.
> Ironically enough the people who are the angriest about the death of XSI
> and lashing back with a spiteful attitude while saying at the same time
> that the app and this list shouldn't be left to die are putting in a pretty
> damn decent effort to ensure that such decay if accelerating on a daily
> basis.
> On Thu, Apr 3, 2014 at 5:37 PM, Steven Caron <car...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> unfortunately, he is just matching the intensity of remarks which have
>> been thrown around this thread and forum for a month now. i am frankly sick
>> of this back and forth. first a new thread starts, people chime in, it
>> escalates until some name calling or some unfounded accusation (conspiracy
>> theory) is made and then the current autodesk employees chime in to defend
>> themselves and/or try to de-escalate the situation by countering the wild
>> accusations. it comes to nearly the same anticlimactic conclusion every
>> time! it is very annoying...
>> and i gotta say this... show some eff'n respect people! especially to the
>> ex-si developers that are still chiming in here. brent chimes in and people
>> start thinking he is new to the list?! oh my! someone is really showing
>> their age. you guys are all so strung out and aggressive you attack anyone
>> you don't know or that has an @autodesk.com email address.
>> On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 2:38 PM, Sebastien Sterling <
>> sebastien.sterl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> You've done it before and you still went straight to SI for your sordid
>>> little case and point, it's the fact you keep using previous SI developers/
>>> development as a target even if you are only trying to make up a bunch of
>>> BS for comparison.
>>> As a matter a fact, yes i do actually have a hate boner against AD, they
>>> slashed my fucking livelihood forcing me to retrain to stay relevant in
>>> this industry. i think you will find i'm not alone to have come down with
>>> this condition DUDE BRA! There's enough hate boners here to fuel the sun.
>>> On 2 April 2014 22:22, Luc-Eric Rousseau <luceri...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> > Hey Luc Eric
>>>> >[...]
>>>> >
>>>> > Your hate boner for SI and it's past development is perplexing, I
>>>> don't much
>>>> > care about the behaviors of previous developers.
>>>> Dude, the stuff I wrote was all made up stuff to prove that you can
>>>> make cynical stuff the way you do about anything.
>>>> You're the one with the hate boner.
> --
> Our users will know fear and cower before our software! Ship it! Ship it
> and let them flee like the dogs they are!

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