I have been using Cinema 4D and the thing that has impressed me is that the
plugins out there are really quite inexpensive.
I know this isn't a "feature", but we cannot ignore the community that
surrounds the application, and the community around C4D seems very strong.

Anyway, the plugins are between $10 and $25 usually. Some are a few
hundred, but rarely, and those add quite a lot of functionality. Turbulence
FD, which I really want to buy,
is a few hundred dollars, for instance, but is quite impressive in the time
I have used the demo.

When it comes to history, I found an amazing plugin called Storage Bin,
that is best described as an Undo/Redo for each object (and even
hierarchies) but it is NOT linear.
It actually saves the current state a model (or light, or texture, etc.) is
in, and allows you to restore that version at any time. It is a bit like
the Soft abilty to revert the scene state from saved Quick Renders, but
on a per object basis, and again, ot linear at all.

You can always go back (or forward) to a saved state on a per-object basis.
This is a very cool ability, offering a lot of functionality for showing
clients iterations, having them decide on a version of a model, or
whatever, and even if they change their mind to a totally different version
at the last minute, you can go to that version and all the transforms (on
an object level anyway) will be retained.

It is $24.

That kind of economics will really help my transition.

On Fri, Jun 13, 2014 at 3:24 AM, Mário Domingos <mdomingos.p...@gmail.com>

> I've been trying modo for the last 3 weeks and I must say that I'm really
> impressed. The only draw back is the lack of modeling history.
> —
> Sent from Mailbox <https://www.dropbox.com/mailbox>
> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 5:56 PM, Cristobal Infante <cgc...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> When using Houdini I've found Openvdb to be frankly phenomenal. Had never
>> been exposed to this tech before.
>> I know there is a softimage plugin, but never had to use it. In houdini
>> Openvdb is a suite of nodes which are really well integrated.
>> On 5 June 2014 22:35, Serch Mucino <sergio.muc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  That Pose Manager looks pretty sweet. I think a simple version of that
>>> could be done using native Actors/Poses and the Card View (which it's quite
>>> outdated, being honest). I am in touch with Lukasz (ACS), and I'll gladly
>>> suggest something like this to him. We'll see... from what I hear, he's got
>>> a lot on his plate lately.
>>> I agree with Angus there... for me, it's going to be all Modo + Houdini.
>>> That should do it for me (with the occasional 3ds max from time to time...)
>>> ----
>>> Sergio Mucino
>>> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 5:22 PM, Angus Davidson <
>>> angus.david...@wits.ac.za> wrote:
>>>>  As more character animators start using Modo those kind of tools will
>>>> come. Studio library is very impressive (have already passed it on to our
>>>> lecturer to look at for next year when we get forced into Maya )
>>>> Most of the folks I have spoken to are going for a Modo / Houdini combo
>>>> as they compliment each other very well.
>>>> Its going to be tough to find just one package to be able to be the
>>>> swiss army knife that softimage is.
>>>>  From: Marco Peixoto <mpe...@gmail.com>
>>>> Reply-To: "softimage@listproc.autodesk.com" <
>>>> softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>
>>>> Date: Thursday 05 June 2014 at 11:03 PM
>>>> To: "softimage@listproc.autodesk.com" <softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>
>>>> Subject: Re: OT: What strong features have you found in your new
>>>> transition software that SI didn´t have?
>>>>    Thanks Sergio :)
>>>> Yes i know ACS, i played with its free sample when it first appeared
>>>> and even suggested some new features to it, like the ability to change from
>>>> IK to FK and vice versa maintaining the same Positions or changing
>>>> Parentings like IK follow head or Shoulder or Hips and maintaing same
>>>> positions, im used to it on the rigs I work with, going back to no having
>>>> those features its not a show stopper but... yah know :) I even made simple
>>>> example videos showing this to ACS guy(forgot his name) showing how they
>>>> worked on iAnimate Rigs. As a curious fact, I was a owner of the first ACS
>>>> apparition, in good old LW times :)
>>>> When I spoke about Pose Managers im speaking in things like this:
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJvxlGpYc1o
>>>> Although its  third partie script (free by the way) but im used to
>>>> these kind os Pose Managers that take screenshots when we make the Poses, I
>>>> currently must have probably 20-30 stored Poses already in a  TV production
>>>> I recently started working on, if I didn't had the screenshots and
>>>> everything was text based it would be a mess for me. Also this Poses are
>>>> made Public so anyone from the Studio can acess them to save time during
>>>> Animation.
>>>> I need to take a more serious look at Modo like I said previously, Maya
>>>> is great for CA, but for the rest... its welcome to 1999 when we are used
>>>> to Softimage... and so far I havent found the slightest interest in getting
>>>> more deep than just doing CA in Maya, so im looking around and trying to
>>>> decide if I should invest time in Modo or Houdini :)
>>>> On Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Serch Mucino <sergio.muc...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>   It appears to me some of your concerns might be addressed already.
>>>>> Some of the things you mention might be covered here...
>>>>> http://docs.luxology.com/modo/801/help/pages/animation/ActorActionPose.html
>>>>> Also, if you'd be doing a lot of CA, I really suggest looking into
>>>>> ACS. It currently only supports biped-like rigs, but it's one of the best
>>>>> auto-riggers I've used, and it has a very nice set of animation tools and
>>>>> workflows built into it. You can find more info here...
>>>>> http://community.thefoundry.co.uk/store/kits/acs/
>>>>> http://manual.autocharactersetup.com/
>>>>> It can also be customized to support other types of anatomical
>>>>> structures, but it requires working a little with the innards of the ACS
>>>>> character. There's videos that explain well how to do it though. I've been
>>>>> able to add additional deformation items to ACS rigs without too much
>>>>> problem.
>>>>> I hope this helps a bit! Cheers!
>>>>> ----
>>>>> Sergio Mucino
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>>>> contrary.


Perry Harovas
Animation and Visual Effects

http://www.TheAfterImage.com <http://www.theafterimage.com/>

-25 Years Experience
-Member of the Visual Effects Society (VES)

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