Sure, we'll get that done (I thought it already was working). Thanks,

On 10/15/2014 5:32 PM, Eric Turman wrote:
speaking of the there going to be a 2015 release for Softimage? The one that we have for an earlier version does not work in 2015.

-=Eric T

On Wed, Oct 15, 2014 at 6:14 PM, David Gallagher < <>> wrote:

    Hello! We are planning on offering a linux version of AnimSchool
    Picker for Maya.
    We don't have any linux licenses of Maya, and they don't offer
    them through Autodesk's educational program,  so we're not sure
    how to proceed.

    We just need to know if we can rent Maya on linux --long enough to
    compile AnimSchool Picker. I called and chatted Autodesk and got
    different responses from different people.

    Any Autodesk people here know?

    Dave G



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