Hey Jill,

Thanks for that info.

You might understand that we did not expect much from this SP1 as AD already killed our software. But this "huge" list of around 10 bugs fixed it even a lot less anybody expected to be a "Service Pack" people might even pay for via subscription. By the way, is it our job to make sure that critical bugs are locked..?? Despite that, breaking the ability to install service packs beside older installations totally misses daily production workflows. Before you "trust" a new version, you will test it for quite some time before you make the switch. Having to install/deinstall software to do so, is something politely expressed "unfortunate".

AD really knows how to "deliver better software faster". Congrats!


Am 03.12.2014 15:00, schrieb Jill Ramsay (Contractor):
Hi there,
So, yes, I’m afraid you will have to uninstall 2015 to install 2015.1. We 
wanted to provide a patch release mechanism but unfortunately time and 
technical issues did not allow us to do so.  The bug list posted was nearly 
complete – the one that Sven found was accidentally missed. If you have 
outstanding critical bugs, and especially regressions, please make sure they 
are logged.

Sorry it’s not better news.


From: softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com 
[mailto:softimage-boun...@listproc.autodesk.com] On Behalf Of Jill Ramsay 
Sent: December-02-14 4:56 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: RE: Service Pack 1 available

Sorry guys,
I was trying to get confirmation on a couple of details before this went live. 
I’m waiting for a response from Singapore. Hopefully will have more info by 


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