Hi Gerbrand,

from the top of my head i'd say, there should be a checkbox so that your
won't get a surface.
Then, here is a curve basics tutorial from peter quint:

I'd be interested in a deform by surface too. The Ray SOP gives a little
bit of that
behaviour out of the box, and the attribute transfer SOP as well, if "match
Point Position" ( i guess that was the name) Checkbox is on. Those 2 work
on proximity.
And finally you might want to try the Lattice SOP, which in Houdini is also
ending up being very close to the cage deformer from Soft.
And then, you could also add a "Normal attribute" to your SOP, with the
point SOP, and create a VOPSOP in which you manipulate those. This might be
the equivalent to an ICE "closest point to location" node.
I'd consider myself a real houdini novice though, just trying to transfer
my Softimage workflows, so please correct me if i'm wrong.

I would like to add the question: How would you do a simple "Object to
Cluster Constraint ?"
So far i found only options that are uv based, like the "rivet"...

best, Philipp

2015-02-02 10:43 GMT+01:00 Gerbrand Nel <nagv...@gmail.com>:

> So 3 quick houdini questions if you don't mind:
> Why do I automatically get a surface on a closed curve?
> Can I kill it without killing the curve, or can I set it to "never create"?
> Is there something like "deform by surface" in soft for houdini?
> That is it for now :)
> Thanks
> G

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