
   1. start with camera facing straight along, say, Z-axis
   2. make your sprite a poly grid
   3. set a 2 point constraint to the camera and the animated null; disable
   it for now
   4. put the polygon at the right distance infront of camera for the pixel
   coverage you want.
   5. set a position limit in Z with current Z coordinate as both max and
   6. enable the 2-point constraint
   7. if the camera has to animate, then I think you could parent the whole
   thing to a null and have it work in camera local space

Alternatively, you could just do the 2-point constraint and write an
expression that scales the sprite poly according to camera distance, but
that seems like math to me, so I normally wouldn't try.  ;-)

On Thu, Feb 5, 2015 at 2:18 PM, Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES] <> wrote:

>  Hi yall….
> I have a null in my scene.
> I want to constrain a bitmap to it and always have it face the camera.
> I know how to do this, position constrain grid with texture to null,
> orient constrain grid to camera, blah blah.  But I want to maintain a grid
> size that is screen relevant not scene relevant. So I don’t want to do this
> old school.
> Instead I’d like to attach a sprite to the null instead, have it render a
> set pixel size instead of a world space size, but I don’t really want to
> use ICE or particles since it’s only a single object, that just seems
> overkill.
> Is there a simpler way to accomplish this kind of thing?
> --
> Joey Ponthieux
> LaRC Information Technology Enhanced Services (LITES)
> MYMIC Technical Services
> NASA Langley Research Center
> __________________________________________________
> Opinions stated here-in are strictly those of the author and do not
> represent the opinions of NASA or any other party.
  • sprite? Ponthieux, Joseph G. (LARC-E1A)[LITES]

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