well, the infuriating thing must be that there is enough money to solve a problem, but because of policy, rather than being flexible and doing just that, more money can be found but not to solve the problem. And so now one tries to go through hoops to see if by throwing the money elsewhere the problem can be solved indirectly.

the lack of common sense, or goodwill to get things done can be so frustrating.
schools are probably worse but it happens in the 'real' world too.

-----Original Message----- From: Tim Leydecker
Sent: Friday, June 12, 2015 8:45 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Virtual Apps

If it is any help, when I started studying graphics design/communication
design in 1998,
the starting point for the transition had already been set way before my
starting there...

It´s amazing how one or two people with a few forms and the budget to
decide on can ruin your day.

At least it´s not just like that in universities.

We have an airport here in Berlin that will or will not be finish by
2013/2014 on a week or two´s notice.

It really boils down on what did you expect?



Am 11.06.2015 um 19:43 schrieb Sofronis Efstathiou:
Universities here in the UK are mostly going through a transition of stupidity. I feel your pain...

Sent from my Android phone using Symantec TouchDown (www.symantec.com)

-----Original Message-----
From: Angus Davidson [angus.david...@wits.ac.za]
Received: Thursday, 11 Jun 2015, 18:24
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com [softimage@listproc.autodesk.com]
Subject: RE: Virtual Apps

Most of our university accountancy runs so totally against reality its scary. I was almost fired on my first day by calling someone (who later turned our CFO) an idiot to their face,

We can only use a cloud if its local. We had a trial of shotgun (which is a great piece of kit) but it was totally unusable on our internet. So streaming HD to multiple computers from Europe to Africa will just not work. Which is a shame as it would suit us down to the ground.

From: Matt Lind [speye...@hotmail.com]
Sent: 11 June 2015 10:05 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Virtual Apps

Has a cloud service like Amazon web services, or similar, been considered?
Basically everything Peter just said applies, but you'd have the benefit of
scaling up and down as needed and not have to pay for time when school is
not in session, nor fork out for or maintain hardware sitting in a back

At my last employer many applications were installed on a SAN and run in
virtual machine environments so hardware and maintenance could be
consolidated.  There was a small amount of teething getting it set up, but
once it was up and running the end user didn't know the difference.
Softimage wasn't installed on the SAN and we didn't have thin clients, so I
can't provide much feedback in that area.


Date: Thu, 11 Jun 2015 09:24:39 +0200
From: <pete...@skynet.be>
Subject: Re: Virtual Apps
To: <softimage@listproc.autodesk.com>

that?s surreal, being forced into buying highly expensive state of the art
tech, in stead of some off the shelf computers, out of budgetary
I?m sure that?s exactly how European administration is run.

that VCA looks like it would allow you to set up a nice 3D rendering
workflow, but it wouldn?t really help with compositing, simulations, working
with complex scenes,... or would it?
sounds a bit like getting a shiny new pickup truck, but having to load it
using chopsticks since you don?t have the budget for a shovel.
at least you?ll have the coolest toy in town .

From: Angus Davidson
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 5:44 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: RE: Virtual Apps

Dear Peter

Thank you for the incredibly comprehensive response.

The crazy kindergarten accountancy at the university means that the lab
computers need to be paid for by the schools from their operating budgets
(which are not keeping up with inflation).

However things like VCA are expensive enough to be considered Major Capex
and that amazingly enough they have funds for. So its mostly about reading
the situation at the University and trying to plan around it.

Kind regards



From: pete...@skynet.be [pete...@skynet.be]
Sent: 10 June 2015 02:41 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: Virtual Apps

if you mean using a thin client on the desk, to connect to a remote
workstation (in the server room) ? then yes ? have used this at a former

overall it worked quite well.

on the thin client you would launch an app, on which you chose the
workstation to login to and then a full screen window opens on which you see
the workstations? desktop ? and you work you session.
It?s very intuitive ? apart from a few keyboard combos (ctrl-alt-del is on
the thin client, so there?s a different combination to send that to the
You could use the thin client at any desk to log in to any equipped
workstation ? handy at times ? chaotic when your team members end up all
over the place.
The overhead on the workstation is pretty much zero. The added card handles
the compression/communication ? so you can push the workstation exactly as

there was hardware compression/decompression of all signals ? so it meant
adding a dedicated card in the workstation - all data (kb, mouse, usb as
well as monitors) goes through network. afaik the screen refresh is done on
the thin client ? which reduces the amount of data to be sent (no screens
full of pixels) but also makes sure that despite long cable length, image
quality is high . (compared to all KVM extenders I ever saw)

To the very demanding artist there is a barely noticeable lag and some
degradation ? you can kind of make out the compression ? but you do have to
look for it. We decided on using the thin clients only for 3D artists, not
for compositors. It would work for compositing most of the time, but when
checking final images/shots, occasional little flicks or spots from the
compression are disturbing. If you are the person who has 3 oversized
monitors on his desk, and expects to have film quality visuals while
modeling ? this might not be for you.

image quality can suffer from network load ? as compression adapts some ?
and at a few peak moments network was so taxed (not because of the thin
clients) that connections between clients and stations were lost massively.
That?s unfortunate and real disruptive ? but once the load was balanced
again you would just login and the workstation was right where you left off
? preferable to crashes and shutdowns. But it?s something to be aware of -
if you have a problematic network, thin clients will add to the frustration.

An added benefit was that there was much less heat generated and electricity
used in the office rooms ? in small cramped, badly ventilated and badly
equipped offices that can be a tangible benefit. I have memories of humming
workstations under desks, burning desklights and running ventilators
everywhere (including on an opened workstation case which is a very bad
idea) creating an unpleasant and unhealthy microclimate. The switch to thin
clients was heavenly. As were LED desklights.

Hope it helps some.
It?s a big step ? that you need to consider carefully with your supplier
(ours was HP) ? and ideally in a riskfree way, where you get the setup on
test, with the option to return if unsatisfactory ? because some
consequences/constraints are unexpected and to a degree it?s a personal
experience. I can very well see this working marvelously in one studio and
being a total no-go in another.
Now, I?m not getting the financial angle ? to me a thin client is an added
cost ? it would not replace any workstations or make them any less
redundant. The idea of a thin client is that the heavy lifting is done
elsewhere ? workstation, server, on the cloud,...
If you mean using a thin client (as in: a very low specced computer) instead
of a workstation ? that?s something else altogether.
Now, a thin client today might more powerful than a supercomputer of the
past ? so there might be cases where it would work.
But if you want to get bang for buck, I?d look elsewhere ? as a thin client is not made to customize and beef up and ultimately to put decent specs in.
I?d look at barebones rather.
From: Angus Davidson
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 8:29 AM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Virtual Apps

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