There isn't going to be anythings called service packs for Windows 10,
it's continuous updates
The big fall update was released three weeks ago.
I've had trouble (audio not working, sleep issues) with my cheap HP
laptop and had to go back to win7, but there is actually a button in
windows 10 to go back to 7.

On 26 November 2015 at 16:34, Tenshi . <> wrote:
> I think people always forget the 1st rule of "new things".
> Wait people use it, read reviews, and WAIT the second or third wave of the
> product. This applies from software to hardware.
> At first i was like Windows 10 -¬- , then i began to read reviews and i
> remember that rule, so i stopped my blindness, and said to myself. Wait
> until the SP1 arrives, then read AGAIN and if it's good, change it. (win 8
> sucks, i didn't bother applying that rule).
> my 2cents,

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