License numbers don’t change with windows versions.
If you have an activated perpetual license then you should be able to install 
it again and use it for as long as you want.

Sent from my iPhone

> On Feb 26, 2018, at 17:45, Mirko Jankovic <> wrote:
> I'm all for SI till death do us apart really!
> BUT in case of such long project I would advise of going with something that 
> will be probably supported and advance by then. 
> If you are working alone then sure stick to SI and in case of any problems 
> you can always get "that other"version and get done with it :)
> But again 5 years is long period.. .you can even start in Houdini learn on 
> the way. Will transition to progressing software that will probably be 
> supported then as well, 
> I assume that 4k is enough for that project so indie license for 2 years is 
> 400 usd, so with current prices it is total of like 967 USD for indie Houdini 
> rental. 
> Compared to maya and what like 3 years  license 5800 eur plus 2 more years on 
> top of that... and getting crappy bug fest that is mess for small teams...
> Anyway digging too deep into math and stuff. 
> But yes even tho I'm; all SI guy, time does go buy, a lot of stuff can happen 
> and is it worth of risk loosing a lot of work 3-4 years down the road?
> In theory yes you will always be able to find comp and install old windows 
> and stuff. but... is it worth of risk?
> Sorry for not being so helpfull but just thinking out loud.
> Depending on Autodesk to provide ANY help at all with Softimtage is really 
> gambling.
> They were bad providing any details even back when people wanted to buy 
> Softimage, they just kept pushing for maya and entertainment packets and what 
> not. 
> Really dependign on them to provide any deailts to software they killed and 
> never planed to support at all honestly??? Think about it :)
> Looking into Houdini lake and even thinking to deep dive in it in longe term 
> project is trully scary at the moment, that is true. but maybe bets way to 
> learn swimming is drop down and wave your hands like crazy! :)
> And yes I would never sugest maya to anyone as long as you have luxury of 
> choice.. that is road to hell.
>> On Mon, Feb 26, 2018 at 8:51 AM, Nicole Beeckmans-Jacqmain 
>> <> wrote:
>> Hi.
>>  starting a new modelisation/animation/render for a new movie.
>> It will take me at least 5 years of work.
>> I am not sure AD would not s t o p soooon  providing you with a new licence 
>> file, if you have new computer.
>> my computer is a Z620 hp
>> I am using Softimage on a windows8.1platform. 
>> intel(r) xeon(r) E-5 2620 v2 @ 2.10 GHz 2.10 Ghz (2processors)
>> nvidia quadro k40000 32gb ram.
>> it seems ok as i bought it in december2014
>> and there is no sign of slowing down (or fragmentation problem)
>> is there any sound risk of obsolescence?
>> is there sound advises: like going ahead and asking AD a windows10 licence 
>> key,
>> even if i am still on 8.1 64bits at the moment ?
>> thank you!!
>> Mathyas
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> -- 
> Mirko Jankovic
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