Apologies for asking Maya related questions here, but Autocraps Forums are no help and you guys are the closest I get to a comprehensive likeminded hivemind with some Maya knowledge :)
I am doing some modeling work based on reference photos in Maya currently, and in XSI I would just set up a camera, camera project the reference photo onto a rough model and work from there. Maya apparently has the ability to do camera projection based UV's (a new UV set, not rendertime projection), but it seems to sort of normalize the UV's making them useless for directly applying the reference photo as texture, and the documentation is bloody useless (as usual) since it doesn't provide any camera options information. Is there a trick to do this in Maya or is it just another of those gazillion annoying things that are soo much easier to do in XSI? Thanks Morten ------ Softimage Mailing List. To unsubscribe, send a mail to softimage-requ...@listproc.autodesk.com with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.