
The 11th anniversary of the Softimage acquisition, and therefore this
version of the list, has come and gone last month.  I started working at
Softimage in 1997, and it's been part of my life ever since.  My black
t-shirts are faded, and my children recently found some XSI "tattoos" and
magnets in the basement which they used for Halloween.  Odd bits of
Softimage memorabilia are spread around the house that only Dad can

Every once in a while, I can sense IT sniffing around looking for old
servers to retire. The Softimage mailing list server is some kind of Linux
VM that I think continues to work as long as it doesn't bother anyone.

I think it's time to think about switching the list over to the google
group that archives it before the plug gets pulled on us. One would join
that group to post and get future emails rather than the list. There may be
other resources people want to share to stay in touch, such as LinkedIn
groups, and si-community.com, etc.
Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to softimage-requ...@listproc.autodesk.com with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

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