I still make money using Softimage/Redshift 3D! I have tried to learn other
software, but I find Softimage is still the fastest
to model and animate. Then, they released the latest version of Blender.
Hey, that looks very familiar ! I believe it is time for me
to switch over..... slowly :)

If only Redshift would work with Blender.

On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 5:28 PM Luc-Eric Rousseau <luceri...@gmail.com>

> Hi.
> The 11th anniversary of the Softimage acquisition, and therefore this
> version of the list, has come and gone last month.  I started working at
> Softimage in 1997, and it's been part of my life ever since.  My black
> t-shirts are faded, and my children recently found some XSI "tattoos" and
> magnets in the basement which they used for Halloween.  Odd bits of
> Softimage memorabilia are spread around the house that only Dad can
> identify.
> Every once in a while, I can sense IT sniffing around looking for old
> servers to retire. The Softimage mailing list server is some kind of Linux
> VM that I think continues to work as long as it doesn't bother anyone.
> I think it's time to think about switching the list over to the google
> group that archives it before the plug gets pulled on us. One would join
> that group to post and get future emails rather than the list. There may be
> other resources people want to share to stay in touch, such as LinkedIn
> groups, and si-community.com
> <https://u9432639.ct.sendgrid.net/wf/click?upn=lIXdN6W56FnEjHCwrBXqOq0HQNpV0huvAGw1zu6Xp8eVQuk2cNZiNFjx2k-2FfTNch-2BwSLMAIA8-2B-2Fai7Was5M7NUgkRPlvtBVWECuMBMaQ6RK0EF7467agVCsUfcarGi4RPfTWJUn7l0RRdAkTEXxTX3Hd6Bc5uaWpsQ3TcXL9hLBYCQrjuAtJGCapC7qKFBLM4becCVydKwlmXRzJouNvGGTrdFLalM-2B8Cfg59UjdYuZ10LTFoxK-2Fdao2r-2FhdP37aIIoioHmOTegw8WTxxaaE-2BozJfyUKqbRGa9eCwYC5cHEgAoRKe-2Bbdbxibpl06DZvOjpbdn-2FdudvGC1Q3beShCcu3i23OJ2gBzHJnFWhKQqtLq9Sljs6WmjlMzeyVema8F9qbAHRzBtVf2e0AxorqfQl1MUGSfUx0-2B2hhkzYgbWHsprBYE3CR02A2mmvEaW1kAd-2F2LldMhH30FO65AOWAw5ejmlbGwss-2FgKpH4N-2BBw1Eh-2FcxjXJwGqALdQpPLsNzCOWm42F2lFO7VjxuPpKSZ8-2FzWik6IqKoxHd5Aetez4xYO2zvzsF0gGXg6RYup8XSK21c1FIAVZd23ot4avbJ9s7n5gt-2FyATsMaqBikieqR6OqwpvGaXFkeQinkoq2QgDjFknVGZTgc0vieZdXfZetWQuUvgRgBWJl3wN-2FL0laPN35ssrYe2rXloWFdlSlPo4HZJIrf1XMlZx6uQCpKHnxCFB-2FXqsRqhOnfbB7MqySgO6RzVUc5Nj6vH1GYS9y1sAmADByXlGcqDOWF0bB4up3WPQupDdlBGxYifR2iuF-2FZCbr30iS5nepu7AMK6iFJMTs2ZPxp5GzY7l1dvpVnmZtYVqRjWJs09wLR0FHsxav3YyzMAbGkivN50xCt4L-2FSotf6ZfucuxNoAvb61uFyzY-2Fgau-2BAFnt3htd9yu5tUSg5QadftzNPUmQsxj5wTGzlBhDY8JXIN1927MkbmRF0bm290YNd8cSAy-2BT2-2FCvXW8zPlCU-2FHP5j4ezTsTuGYuFXRxwGINyufOdNXzPuG8QngabXIXsYbljT-2FXJFxph4oGuwhs6TgeZKx8qCG5KJrtGNMt0dkqpAzOB9rmsj91Qx-2FRL9OZemCP96uaQq-2FIFU1ltLe-2FstHFXDNm22RhCHG1-2FCDq9ePw-2BGLyo1ewDn1vBMeYVqTe41q-2FdsqgPFphqctn094V08DPhHUdeLPX42fEOTvu0flVr7A6HxN90VABcicSncwzCYeXjUUWaEaRAZGjpbiWKukjx3QBvdjEvEaXD1i64FmEbZfPcnmAXTH6SzjHpJz2o42k3X-2Bzz2OfK9MLv3JTHNqY7oGBZ-2BqFJtEEvmM2uk_a6oQc7tnfcb0GKvoO27fPkrQ0ATQyF1SDBXJOg7-2FbuQqo0pSSIFvGWitxPnEGp1QWvlg6fNxTIoeu-2FFiHTSvXx54mugUK-2BKNscxuBkGkJFWGOunEwKIVReSbrN-2Bo4WR65igYVZWKz6RjHm-2FwMurOinAp6318Dv-2FEr7i5nyxdTHPCTqxlXqqtO1gpRY-2F163g0OQa1ozagh4FPcDAGVoMZ2l5i8cL-2FYftpPEdpvIvqQo4-3D
>  >,
> etc.
> ------
> Softimage Mailing List.
> To unsubscribe, send a mail to softimage-requ...@listproc.autodesk.com
> with "unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.


Best Regards,
*  Stephen P. Davidson*

*(954) 552-7956*    sdavid...@3danimationmagic.com

*Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic*

 - Arthur C. Clarke

Softimage Mailing List.
To unsubscribe, send a mail to softimage-requ...@listproc.autodesk.com with 
"unsubscribe" in the subject, and reply to confirm.

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