I would suggest sooner.  Say December 15, 2019.

For the past few years, as Luc-Eric alluded to, there have been hiccups with 
the list server near the holidays.  Better to make the transition before the 
next hiccup while everybody is still in their daily routines to notice what is 
happening.  Not that this list gets much traffic anymore, but making the 
transition sooner would reduce the noise and panic from people asking what’s 
going on.


From: softimage-requ...@listproc.autodesk.com
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 5:48 PM
To: softimage@listproc.autodesk.com
Subject: Re: The Softimage mailing list

Well, that day has come.

I am not watching this list as often as I used to. My Softimage days are behind 
me now. I used to open it up to present some example scenes I had for my Arnold 
class at NAD that I did not have the time to convert to Maya. But now all my 
scenes work in Maya so I don't need to open it anymore.

I still miss Softimage. Maya simply doesn't have the elegant workflow to match. 
Houdini is better but not as simple and intuitive as Soft. I have to admit 
though that I've had a lot of fun learning Solaris in the past few months. It 
reminds me of when I first played with ICE. It reminds me of the sheer power 
that is accessible at your fingertips but you don't know how to harness it yet.

You guys keep talking about the end of a community. As Luc-Eric said, we just 
need to move over to the google group, which currently server as archive. It's 
been archiving the posts since many years now. It has 1328 registered members. 
I am the owner of that group and I can switch it from an archive to a normal 
group at any time. We just need to decide on a date.

It could be on January 1st.

Softimage Mailing List.
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