Dear all,

I'm in favor of adopting the 5 drafts listed below as softwire WG documents.



-----Message d'origine-----
De : [] De la part 
de Yong Cui
Envoyé : samedi 20 août 2011 16:21
À :
Cc : Yong Cui
Objet : [Softwires] New working group documents

Hi folks,

Following our rough concensus during Quebec City meeting and according to our 
charter/milestones, the chairs would like to ask the mailing list for the 
confirmation to adopt the following

1. Deployment Considerations for Dual-Stack Lite

2. Public IPv4 over Access IPv6 Network

3. Softwire Mesh Multicast

4. Multicast Extensions to DS-Lite Technique in Broadband Deployments

5. Motivations for Stateless IPv4 over IPv6 Migration Solutions

Please send your comments by 10am EDT on Aug 27. If you object to adoption, 
please also give the detailed reasons.

--Alain & Yong

Softwires mailing list

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