Hi folk,

We don’t have major objections to advance the document during the WGLC.
As a result, before we advance the doc, we would encourage the authors to 
update a new version to address the minor comments.

Thanks so much for the Ian’s thorough review and the authors’ contribution.


> 在 2017年10月26日,14:57,Ian Farrer <ianfar...@gmx.com> 写道:
> Hi Yu,
> Please see below. 
> Thanks,
> Ian
>> On 25. Oct 2017, at 11:28, Yu Fu <f...@cnnic.cn> wrote:
>> >g3.
>> >Section 7 - States that there are a list of objects and their sensitivity /
>> >vulnerability, but the list that follows only names the objects. No 
>> >vulnerability
>> >information is included.
>> [Yu]: It has a description as followed :
>> “Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
>>    MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) may be considered sensitive or
>>    vulnerable in some network environments. It is thus important to
>>    control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and possibly
>>    to even encrypt the values of these objects when sending them over
>>    the network via SNMP”
>> “Objects that reveal rule information of the MAP Domain: Various objects can 
>> reveal the
>>    rule information of the map domain.  A curious outsider could monitor
>>    these to assess the number of rules and the IPv6 prefix performed in
>>    this domain.  Further, an intruder could use the information to guess
>>    the address-sharing ratios of the ISPs.”
>> [Yu]: The objects in the list reveal the rule information and are readable. 
>> So they are vulnerable.
> [if - OK. The current text isn’t very clear. Can I propose the following text 
> as a replacement?
> Some of the MIB model's objects are vulnerable as the information
> which they hold may be used for targeting an attack against a MAP node (CE or 
> BR).
> E.g., an intruder could use the information to help deduce the customer IPv4 
> and IPv6
> topologies and address-sharing ratios in use by the ISP.
> The following is a list of the objects that have this vulnerability:
> ]

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