I'll plead ignorance: I haven't had experience with Jetty or recent
versions of Tomcat.
I wouldn't mind seeing what you can put together, and I agree that all
else being equal, we should prefer ASF projects.

Perhaps the bundled appserver shouldn't even be a minimal install
given that some will just copy the example directory to get their
project off the ground.


On 2/19/06, Yoav Shapira <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Guys,
> This FUD upset me enough to actually write a response email on my
> otherwise splendid vacation.  Tomcat 5.5.15 normal binary distro is
> 6.5MB, Jetty 6.0beta9 is 12.6MB.  You can have a Tomcat server running
> in a sub 2MB footprint, again less than or close to than you can get a
> Jetty with JSP running.  I'm not -1 on Jetty, although I'm -0 for what
> I think is an important reason: Jetty is not from Apache, Tomcat is,
> Solr is.  If you want to use Jetty do so but please don't use the
> wrong, out-of-date, FUD-driven reasons for choosing it over Tomcat.
> OTOH, I'm a big +1 for using Tomcat because it's an Apache project
> like Solr, and would be willing to do the packaging work to get a
> Tomcat demo with Ant stuff when I come back at the end of the month.
> Yoav

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