: > Is anyone submitting an "intro to Solr" talk?

I've been toying with the idea of submitting a proposal to talk about a
case study of using Solr to index isfdb.org and then generate faceted
results of the various content types -- something i haven't acctually
done, but i was thinking that if the abstract got accepted it might
motivate me to acctually do it -- the risk being that if i *don't* finish,
i'm really screwed.

I was also considering submitting an abstract to Give Yonik's intro talk
about, but updated to cover all of the features that have been added in
the past year (highlighting, simple facets, dismax, default params,
configurable response writers)

If you guys have specific case study presentations you want to submit,
then i'd be happy to submit an abstract for the intro talk -- but i
suspect that if there were 3 (or more) Solr proposals submitted, we'd wind
up hurting each others changes (i imagine that in the eyes of a confrence
planer, an up and coming incubation project doesn't seem worthy of more
then 1 confrence slot)

If you guys are game: what might make a killer proposal would be for the
two of you to lead a double length session that's 1/3 intro to Solr, 1/3
case study of Bertrand's Coccoon/Solr/CMS work, and 1/3 case study
of Erik's Solr/Rails stuff.

I imagine that would be a hard proposal for the ApacheCon folks to turn
down -- especially with your names on it :)

: I haven't submitted yet, but I'd be happy to submit an intro Solr
: preso.  I've got an interesting Solr/Ruby related project I plan to
: contribute under client/ruby "real soon now" that I may want to
: present instead, or in addition to.

: > I'm planing to submit a case study of my current project (how to graft
: > Solr on existing CMSes, preparing documents, ajax frontends, etc.),
: > but I think we should have an introductory talk as well.


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