the one thing that still seems missing is those "micro-plugins" i was

  interface SolrRequestParser {
     SolrRequest process( HttpServletRequest req );

I left out "micro-plugins" because i don't quite have a good answer
yet :)  This may a place where a custom dispatcher servlet/filter
defined in web.xml is the most appropriate solution.

I like the SolrRequestParser suggestion.

rp='RequestParser ' (rb='SolrBuilder'?)

To avoid possible POST read-ahead stream mungling: qt,wt, and rp
should be defined by the URL, not parameters.  (We can add special
logic to allow /query?qt=xxx)

For qt, I like J.J. Larrea's suggestion on SOLR-104 to let people
define arbitrary path mapping for qt.

We could append 'wt', 'rb', and arbitrary arbitrary text to the
registered path, something like

(any other syntax ideas?)

The 'standard' RequestParser would:
 fill up SolrParams directly with req.getParameterMap()
if there is a 'post' parameter (post=XXX)
  return a stream with XXX as its content
  empty iterator.
Perhaps add a standard way to reference a remote URI stream.

 if( multipart ) {
  read all form fields into parameter map.
  return an iterator over the collection of files
else {
  no parameters? parse parameters from the URL? /name:value/
  return the body stream
 throw unsupported exception?

Maybe each RequestHandler could have a default RequestParser.  If we
limited the 'arbitrary path' to one level, this could be used to
generate more RESTful URLs. Consider:


/myadder maps to MyCustomHandler and that gives you
MyCustomRequestBuilder that maps /1111/2222/3333 to SolrParams

: Thoughts?

one last thought: while the interfaces you outlined would make a lot
of sense if we were starting from scratch, there are probably several
cases where not having those exact names/APIs doesn't really hurt, and
would allow backwards compatibility with more of the current code (and
current SolrRequestHandler plugin people have written) ... just something
we should keep in mind: we don't want to go hog wild renaming a lot of
stuff and alienating our existing "plugin" user base. (nor do we want to
make a bunch of unneccessary config file format changes)

I totally understand and agree.

Perhaps the best approach is to offer a SolrRequestProcessor framework
that can sit next to the existing SolrRequestHandler without affecting
it much (if at all).  For what i have suggested, i *think* it could
all be done with simple additions to solrschema.xml that would still
work on an unedited 1.1.0 solrconfig.xml

If we use a servletFilter for the dispatcher, this can sit next to the
current /query?xxx servlet without problem.  When the
SolrRequestProcessor framework is rock solid, we would @Deprecate
SolrRequestHandler and change the default solrconfig.xml to map /query
to the new framework.

The stuff I *DO* think should get refactored/deprecated ASAP is to
extract the constants from the functionality in SolrParams.  While we
are at it, it may be good to restructure the code to something like:


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