Cool.  I think i need more examples... concrete is good :-)

I don't quite grok your format below... is it one line or two?

Is that simply


yes.  the ${} is just to show what is extracted from the request URI,
not a specific example

Imagine you have a CsvUpdateHander defined in solrconfig.xml with a

The standard RequestParser could extract the parameters and
Iterable<ContentStream> for each of the following requests:

POST: /my/update/csv/?separator=,&fields=foo,bar,baz
(body) "10,20,30"

multipart post with 5 files and 6 form fields defining
(unlike the previous example this the handle would get 5 input streams
rather then 1)

GET: /my/update/csv/?post.remoteURL=http://..&separator=,&fields=foo,bar,baz&;...
fill the stream with the content from a remote URL

GET: /my/update/csv/?post.body=bodycontent,&fields=foo,bar,baz&...
use 'bodycontent' as the input stream.  (note, this does not make much
sense for csv, but is a useful example)

POST: /my/update/csv:remoteurls/?separator=,&fields=foo,bar,baz
(body) http://url1,http://url2,http:/url3...
In this case we would use a custom RequestParser ("remoteurls") that
would read the post body and convert it to a stream of content urls.

- - - - - - -

The URL path (everything before the ':') would be entirely defined and
configured by solrconfig.xml  A filter would see if the request path
matches a registered handler - if not it will pass it up the filter
chain.  This would allow custom filters and servlets to co-exist in
the top level URL path.  Consider:

 <handler name="delete" class="DeleteHandler" />


POST: /delete?id=AAA   would be sent to DeleteHandler
POST: /mydelete/AAA/ would be sent to MyRestfulDelete

Alternativly, you could have:

 <handler name="standard/delete" class="DeleteHandler" />


POST: /standard/delete?id=AAA   would be sent to DeleteHandler
POST: /delete/AAA/ would be sent to MyRestfulDelete

I am suggesting we do not try have the default request servlet/filter
support extracting parameters from the URL.  I think this is a
reasonable tradeoff to be able to have the request path easily user
configurable using the *existing* plugin configuration.

- - - - - - - -

In a previous email, you mentioned changing the URL structure.  With
this proposal, we would continue to support:

for the Csv example, you would also be able to call:
GET: /select?qt=/my/update/csv/&post.remoteURL=http://..&sepa...


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