On Wed, 27 Aug 2008 16:29:40 -0700 (PDT)
Chris Hostetter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> : interesting - it sounds to me more like shards than multicore, doesn't
> it? ... : but instead of querying all shards for results, only the shards
> that are
> it's somewhat an amalgam of both ... there's the "index" aspect and the 
> "query" aspect ... you can imagine sending data to one Solr master and 
> then it decides based on some criteria which "partition" it belongs in ... 
> that partition might be a local "core" or it might be a remote "shard" ... 
> the key being that once the data has made it into a single partition 
> 9somewhere) queries that only care about a single partition could be made 
> directly to it, while queries that care about *all* the data would need to 
> hit all of the partitions (which in today's parlance would all be shards, 
> even if they are in fact just alternate cores on the same port)

Gotcha, thanks Chris. Yes, definitely like what PostgreSQL  does with
partitions (though I'm not sure pgsql supports partitions in remote servers! )

{Beto|Norberto|Numard} Meijome

"The knowledge that makes us cherish
innocence makes innocence unattainable."
   Irving Howe

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