On Jan 12, 2010, at 5:45 AM, Erik Hatcher wrote:

Hey gang,

I'd like to put an image and link to our LucidWorks for Solr Certified Distro Reference Guide on the Solr front page, and wondering if there were any objections.

To toss out my only objection with my Apache hat on (yes, I'm really wearing it!), the reference guide isn't strictly about *Apache* Solr, it's about our distro of it. So there is just a little bit more than in the distro (like kstem, tomcat). But then again, the Packt book* has more than what's in Solr 1.4 too (localsolr, field collapsing).

Here's a link to our reference guide, that includes the image I'd use too: <http://www.lucidimagination.com/Downloads/LucidWorks-for-Solr/Reference-Guide >

If there are no objections, I'll add it sometime this week.

+1, more doc is better then less!


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