: headings from a given result set, you'd first test all the first-tier
: facets like "Body, Human", then where warranted test the associated
: second-tier facets like "Body, Human--Social aspects.". If the
: first-tier facets represent a small enough subset of the set of subject
: headings as a whole, that might be enough to reduce the total number of
: facet tests.

that's exactly the type of thing i'm suggesting -- the trick would be to
size your caches so that the first-tier constraints were pretty much
always cached, and the popular second-tier constraints are usually cached
-- but once you get to the second or third tiers the number of possible
constraints is small enough that even if they aren't cached, you can
compute their counts in a resonable amount of time.

a really cach concious RequestHandler could even use the non caching
SolrIndexSearcher methods if it knew it was dealing with a really low tier
constraint (allthough at that point, spending the time to implement a
Cache implementation with an approximate LFU replacement strategy
instead of LRU would probably be a more robust use of engineering


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