Hi Otis,

I'm considering adding support for caching results in memcached.  Questions:

1. Has anyone already done this? (searched, didn't find anything)

Not exactly, but we do something similar to this for Nutch searches using ehcache (http://krugle.com/kse/projects/eFNJEmX). But we store the (rewritten) query string and then the serialized XML response, as that way we don't have dependencies on stable searcher/doc ids (which is, for Nutch, the only reference we get from the remote searchers).

So depending on the # of entries in your cache and the size of the hit (docs * XML representation for each), storing the XML might be a reasonable option.

-- Ken

2. Can anyone think of any reasons why this might not be a good idea? (I *just* started considering this) 3. I read http://wiki.apache.org/solr/SolrCaching , but I think the whole cache discarding and warming wouldn't be needed if what I store in memcached is: StringRepresentationOfQuery > DocSet or DocList . Hm, I see QueryResultKey class now. Then maybe I'd store QueryResultKey -> DocSet or DocList in the memcached cache. Is this a correct?


Ken Krugler
Krugle, Inc.
+1 530-210-6378
"Find Code, Find Answers"

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