On Wed, 2007-06-27 at 09:06 -0400, Will Johnson wrote:
> >one thing to keep in mind: it's typically not a good idea to have the
> >constraint set of a facet change just because some other constraint was
> >added to the query -- individual constraints might disappear because
> >they no longer apply, but it can be very disconcerting to a user to
> >when options hcange on them....  if i search on "ipod" a statistical
> >analysis of prices might yeild facet ranges of $1-20, $20-60, $60-120,
> >$120-$200 ... if i then click on "accessories" the statistics might
> skew
> >cheaper, so hte new ranges are $1-20, $20-30, $30-40, $40-70 ...  and
> now
> >i'm a frustrated user, because i relaly wanted ot use the range $20-60
> >(that just happens to be my budget) and you offered it to me and then
> you
> >took it away ... i have to undo my selection or "accessories" then
> click
> >$20-60, and then click accessories to get what i wnat ... not very
> nice.
> Many of the other engines I've work with in the past did this and it was
> one of the most requested/implemented features we had with regard to
> facets.  That doesn't make it 'right' but it did tend to make product
> managers and test users happy.  The use case that often came up was the
> ability to dynamically drill inside ranges.  For instance my first
> search for 'computer on a large ecommerce site might yield ranges of
> 0-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000+, selecting 500-1000 might then yield
> ranges of 500-600, 600-700 and so on. There are also many different
> algorithms that can be employed: equal frequency per facet count, equal
> sized ranges, rounded ranges, etc.
I just had a conversation with our customer and they also want to
have it like this - adjusting with a new facet constraint...


> - will 
Martin Grotzke

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