: managers and test users happy.  The use case that often came up was the
: ability to dynamically drill inside ranges.  For instance my first
: search for 'computer on a large ecommerce site might yield ranges of
: 0-500, 500-1000, 1000-2000, 2000+, selecting 500-1000 might then yield
: ranges of 500-600, 600-700 and so on. There are also many different

that's a very differnet behavior from what i described ... what you are
talking about is really "sub faceting" or "hierarchical faceting" ... the
user chooses a constraint in a facet, and now new "sub-constraints" are
available for that facet.  (a more general example of this use case is:
once a constraint is picked for one facet, new facets are offered. ie:
only offer a "city" facet once a constriant has been selected for a
"state" facet.  sub-ranges in the same facet are just a special case of

the behavior i was warning against is changing the constraints offered in
facetA (price) becuase a constraint has been sleected in facetB (category
or something else) ... a good faceting UI should allways take away optiosn
htat no longer apply (so if by picking "accessories" the set of results
has shrunk so that there are no matches in the $100-200 range, then take
that option away) but changing the list of posisble constraints the user
can choose from when they make a selection in a completley unrelated facet
is a really bad UI design .. one of the keys of a good facet UI is that it
lets the user browse they way they want to browse, adding constraints and
removing constraints as it makes sense to them, you don't want to alienate
them by changing the set of options you give them for a field just because
the statistical breakdown changes slightly.

imagine you are a film director using an "actor search engine" to help you
cast a part in your movie... you come to the site, and start clicking on
constraits to help you narrow the options.  when you first come to the
site you have age ranges listed: 1-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60,
60-80 ... you click on "juggling" in the "special skills" facet and
because there are onlytwo actors who can juggle available in the
application now your age ranges dynamicly change to 1-40 and 40-80 because
one of hte actors is 20 and the other is 60 and these rnages give yo uan
even statistical division of hte availbale pool ... but it doesn't add
anything to the user experience, it makes it harder for the director
quickly see that they can't hire a 30-50 year old juggler because the
statistical range selection took away information when it resized the


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