hello again,

This happend when I was updating the index.
This time I saved the log and there appears this error number of times:

SEVERE: Error during auto-warming of key:[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]:java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap

I have increased Xmx to 850mb.
But what else can I do?

thank you for your help

michael ravits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 01:34:36 -0700 
From: michael ravits <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Solr 1.3 HTTP server stops responding
To: solr-user@lucene.apache.org

 hello solrs,

I am facing a similar problem like Kevin Holmes described in a recent thread.

 I have created a thread dump, maybe this can help trace the problem?
 I am attaching the zipped dump to this email.
I am using Solr 1.3 with the solr236 patch on win2003/2gb machine
with Xms=512m and Xmx=512m. I didn't save the console output to a file so I 
can't tell whether there were PERFORMACE or MEMORY exceptions, but next time 
I'll have the Log.

thanks for your help

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