There is no way to trigger snapshots taking through Solr's admin interface
now.  Taking a snapshot is a very light-weight operation.  It uses hard
links so each snapshot doesn't take up much additional disk space.  If you
don't want to replicate your index while the big batch job is still running,
you can disable snappuller on the slave while the batch job is running and
enable it after the batch job has completed.


On 9/14/07, Wu, Daniel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not sure if this can be done.  Let's say if periodically there is a
> big batch to be indexed and we don't want to replicate the data befor
> the batch is completely indexed.   We would like to avoid post commit
> hook as we will be periodically committing to reduce the memory usage
> and we also would like to avoid post optimize hook as optimizing causes
> the replication of new big optimized file every time.  Is there a way to
> trigger snap shooting through Solr's admin interface?
> For that matter, is there a generic way to trigger the Solr server to
> execute some pre-defined scripts?  I know it can be achieved with some
> ssh scripts.  It seems more elegant to be able to do so through the
> admin interface so the client doesn't need to know the physical location
> of the Solr installation.
> Daniel

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